Monday, March 26, 2012

Copper Prayer Bracelet

A very dear friend provided a TON of materials for Philippine Script Designs and Studio 3:33. As a

thank you, I made her a bracelet we've talked about for MONTHS. Luckily, she's super patient too!

This bracelet is made of hemp, black leather, copper and sterling silver.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A New Series - "The Writing on the Wall"

God has really had my family in the book of Daniel this past year and as I was with a prayer group Friday night I felt this new series on my heart - "The Writing on the Wall". I talked to my husband about it and he said, "You know that's a Daniel thing, right?" --- A TOTAL disconnect on my part and I can't believe I missed it...ESPECIALLY since I was study chapter 5 at the time with King Belshazzar freaking out about his OWN struggle with writing on the wall! Interesting how we process what we read in the Bible! Anyway, I'm tickled to share these prototypes. I'll be doing more with encouraging words AND baybayin.

"Beloved" - 38mm x 16mm - $20

‎"I Believe" - 30mm x 13mm - $18

"Jesus Loves You" - 37mm x 20mm - $20

‎"Pray" - 11mm x 15mm - $15

Father, Son, Holy Spirit - $35

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Hand-Knotted Rosary

Made for a dear friend... Hand knotted rosary with "Ama

Namin" (Tagalog translation) - Our Father - in baybayin, the

original writing system of the Philippines, burned onto the

pater beads. (Beads: white ovals and kamagong rounds)